Dental care

Main problems derived from crossbite in children

Main problems derived from crossbite in children

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The crossbite can appear at any time in life, being more common and, above all, easier to correct in childhood. Not taking action at an early age can cause serious problems in children in the short and medium term, such as headaches, language disorders, poor diet ... Discover (and take action) the main problems derived from cross bite in children.

The crossbite is about a fairly common malocclusion In the kids. Malocclusion is defined as a alteration in the position of the teeth that prevents proper alignment of them. The main consequence is an inadequate fit of the upper and lower teeth, such that when closing the jaw (when biting) one or more teeth of the upper arch are left behind the teeth of the lower arch.

There are different factors related to the cross bite, such as alterations during growth, genetic influences, eating habits ...

- Breathe through the mouth.

- Sucking the thumb (thumb sucking).

- Improper placement of the tongue.

- Use of pacifiers or bottles.

- In babies, sleeping on the same side.

- A dental malposition, since the teeth have not erupted where they should.

- A bone malposition, when the bone has not developed correctly.

- Jaw trauma.

- Greater size of the upper jaw with respect to the lower one.

Children with a crossbite, by not having an adequate occlusion, can suffer pain in the jaw, problems in the joint or as receding gums; If it is not solved, in the medium and long term, it can also cause constant headaches, gingivitis, chronic snoring, language disorders, respiratory problems, teeth grinding and / or pain during chewing, as well as aesthetic problems at the level of the face.

One of the easiest ways to tell if a child needs orthodontic treatment is by looking at the bite (the position of the mouth and teeth when biting).

It is also important to go to the dentist as soon as your child begins to grow teeth, follow good dental hygiene and make regular visits to the dentist in order to detect in time if he has a dental malocclusion, determine if he needs orthodontic treatment and try to establish a early treatment. The dentist will perform a thorough oral exam and determine whether to request respective X-rays or an orthodontist assessment.

And, the big question of parents when they go to the pediatrician or dentist: 'Can the crossbite be corrected?' The treatment proposed by the dentist will depend both on the child's growth stage and the severity of the crossbite. In general, the objective of the treatment is focused on treating the causes that are causing it: if the child has mouth breathing (for this, an evaluation by an otolaryngologist is important), correct the position of the tongue, for which there are various types of exercises, and correct sucking habits (thumb sucking or use of pacifiers).

There are several treatment options depending on the problem. The most commons are:

- Expansion device or, what is the same, a removable device, which is placed on the palate to perform the expansion of the palate. This is gradually and manually widened daily with a wrench, thus modifying the position and growth of the bones.

- Brackets, which allow proper alignment of the teeth.

- And, in the most serious cases (they are the least rare) surgery is recommended.

You can read more articles similar to Main problems derived from crossbite in children, in the On-Site Dental Care category.

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