Dental care

How children should brush their teeth according to their age

How children should brush their teeth according to their age

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I have always considered dental health and hygiene to be a very important issue, because I see many children of preschool and / or school age who come to my office already with cavities or other oropharyngeal pathologies and it is almost always caused by lack of adequate hygiene mouth from an early age. Today we will talk about the importance of good oral hygiene and how children should brush their teeth according to their age.

It is necessary for children to be taught a routine of oral hygiene (teeth, gums and tongue), supervised the first years (up to 7 years), but in a fun way, so that it is constant and well carried out and, thus, prevent cavities and / or oropharyngeal diseases, during childhood or adulthood. It is also important to take preventive measures, such as preventing children from sleeping with a bottle in their mouth or with pacifiers impregnated with sugar or honey.

Hence, we start from an early age with an oral hygiene routine that would start from the time the baby is newborn and that will vary according to age.

By starting from birth, we will not only be protecting the first teeth, called milk teeth, but adequate patterns of oral hygiene will be created for the rest of life. Generally, the first teeth erupt between the fifth and eighth month of life, and teething is usually completed by 2 years of age (20 teeth: 8 incisors, 4 canines, and 6 molars).

All these stages, up to at least 7 years of age, must be carried out and / or supervised by the parents to guarantee that they will be done correctly.

In newborns Until the first teeth erupt, we will begin to clean the entire oral cavity, including gums, cheeks and tongue. It can be done at least once a day, along with bathing, to make it a routine and not forget it. It is done with a gauze soaked in filtered or fresh water, previously boiled and passed through the entire oral cavity. You can also use the so-called "silicone finger" (I recommend doing it with what is most practical for you).

For its part, in infants with milk teeth You will begin to use a small brush with a round head and soft bristles, without the need for toothpaste, and you will go over where your teeth are in a circular way, without pressing, once a day. And when they begin ablactation (introduction of solid foods), a small amount of cream with fluoride, the size of a grain of rice, can be used once or twice a day.

In preschool and school They will be able to do their oral hygiene themselves, always supervised and the ideal is, if possible, to do it with them, to be the best example. I recommend buying a toothbrush with a round head and soft bristles, decorated or the color of your liking, to make it pleasant and do it in a fun way.

The best technique for them is circular, that is, circular movements along all the teeth, and it is done as follows:

- Bring the teeth of the upper and lower arch into contact.

- Make circular movements 20 times every 2 pieces, also passing through the gums.

- Continue in order, start on one side and finish with the other.

- First brush the external face and then the internal and then the chewing area with a movement from front to back.

- Approximate time 2 minutes.

- Finally the tongue, brushing from back to front. This can cause nausea or tickling, but they will soon get used to it.

Follow all these tips and your children will show their best smile and have iron dental health.

You can read more articles similar to How children should brush their teeth according to their age, in the On-Site Dental Care category.

Video: How to Teach Your Child to Brush His Teeth (November 2024).