
Pregnancy calculators

Pregnancy calculators

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We help you to fully monitor your pregnancy in a simple way and with essential tools for all couples who are expecting a baby. Through our calculators and calendars you will be able to know what are your fertile days to achieve a pregnancy, in what week of gestation you are, how the baby develops in the womb, what changes your body will experience during pregnancy, and you can even know the date probable delivery. has developed and compiled the most useful calculators so that you have at your fingertips all the information you need to live your pregnancy with peace of mind and confidence.

With these tools you can take better control of your pregnancy. Among the many calculators that we have, the following stand out: calculator of the fertile days to conceive a girl, and also a boy, and weekly, monthly and quarterly pregnancy calculators.

These practical applications will help you stay up-to-date on the development of your pregnancy:

Fertile days calculator. Ovulation calculator. Calculate the best time to get pregnant knowing your fertile days. Calendar of pregnancy and childbirth. If you are looking for a pregnancy you can control which days you are ovulating for fertilization to occur. Use our ovulation calculator to find out what days of the month you can get pregnant.

Pregnancy calendar. You are pregnant? Check out this pregnancy calculator and calendar to find out what stage of pregnancy you are in and what your expected due date may be. Calculate the most important dates of pregnancy. Pregnant calendar. The period of greatest risk of abortion. Calculate the date of your baby's birth.

Pregnancy weight calculator. The ideal weight during pregnancy. Calculator of the optimal weight of women during pregnancy. our site offers them the possibility of knowing if the weight of the pregnant woman is adequate according to the week of gestation in which she is. How to know how much weight a woman should gain, month by month, during pregnancy.

Calculator to have a girl. You can choose the sex of the baby you are going to have. If you want to get pregnant with a girl, use that Ovulation Calculator. It is advisable to schedule sexual intercourse 5 to 3 days before ovulation to ensure that the female X sperm that have survived the male Y sperm can complete their journey to the ovum and fertilize it. Do you want to know how to get pregnant with a girl?

Calculator to have a child. If you want to get pregnant with a male baby, you should have sex as close to the day of ovulation as possible, that is, 24 hours before or 24 hours after the most fertile day. How do you know? Use our ovulation calculator. So you can have the desired child. Luck!

Due date calculator. Due date calculator. If you want to know what day your baby is likely to be born, use our due date calculator. How to calculate your baby's due date or date of birth. our site tells us how to know the approximate date of your delivery, the big day your child will be born.

Weeks, months and quarters calculator. Find out where you are in your pregnancy. How to calculate the weeks, months and trimesters of pregnancy. The stages of pregnancy according to the week, month and trimester. Useful stages calculator for pregnant women. With this simple pregnancy calendar you will be able to know at what stage of pregnancy you are, a way not to get involved with the weeks and months of pregnancy.

Week-by-week calculator. The pregnant woman and the baby's growth in pregnancy week by week. A complete summary of the changes that occur in the body of the pregnant woman, the development and growth of the baby, the health and emotions of the future mother, the diet and food for the pregnant woman and the curiosities of each week of pregnancy .

You can read more articles similar to Pregnancy calculators, in the category of Calculators and calendars on site.

Video: 5 Weeks Pregnant Baby Development - Pregnancy Calculator By Last Period (November 2024).